Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Living Greener: Tips to Cut Down on Water Waste ? George Slavov's ...

When it comes to being more eco-conscious, most of us could stand to make some improvements in our daily routine. One of our worst habits is inefficient water use. We are not purposely wasting it, we are just not aware of our habits and we take water for granted. But, in the next several years, many states are predicted to have a water shortage; this precious resource is not infinite like we think it is. If you are looking to be a better friend to the environment, there are some easy fixes you can implement right in your home and making an effort to use water more efficiently is a great place to start.

Check for Leaks and Fix Them

You may not think much of a leaky faucet, but even a seemingly small leak like this can waste hundreds of gallons of water a month; a bigger leak may waste thousands. The best way to check for leaks is to record the reading on your water meter, turn off everything in your house that uses water and then check it again several hours later. If the reading has changed, you have a leak.

Toilet Tips

Standard toilets waste a huge amount of water with each flush. A higher-efficiency toilet can reduce water use anywhere from half a gallon to five gallons per flush; this translates to using up to 70 percent less water flushed and 30 percent reduction in indoor water use.

If you cannot purchase a new toilet, there are very inexpensive means to make your current toilet more efficient. You can purchase tank bank or float boosters at home improvement stores, or you can make your own by filling plastic bottles with water, and sand or pebbles; make sure to place them away from the operating mechanisms. This simple fix can save up to 10 gallons of water per day.

More Efficient Showerheads and Faucets

Installing a low-flow showerhead?which means using less than 2.5 gallons per minute?is easy, inexpensive and will significantly cut down on water use. All faucets should be fitted with aerators?this significantly cuts down on water use without affecting pressure. This may be one of the most powerful ways to conserve water and it is also one of the cheapest since aerators can cost as little as a few dollars.

Insulate Hot Water Pipes

Running the water while waiting for it to heat up is a major contributor to inefficient water use in the home. Insulating your water pipes is an inexpensive, simple fix; less water will be wasted and you will get your precious hot water faster?a win-win situation.

Cut Down on Garbage Disposal Use

Garbage disposals can use several gallons of water per day. You can reduce water use by using it less frequently. Put unused food to good use by starting a compost pile for your lawn, trees and other plants. This also helps conserve water by creating healthier soil that retains moisture better, which means less water for landscaping upkeep. Not all food waste is appropriate for compost, however. Acceptable items include fruits, vegetables, breads, crackers and other grain products, coffee grounds, pulverized nut shells, and egg shells. Items to avoid include meat, fish, bones, eggs, dairy products, greasy foods, fatty foods and oils.

Put Grey Water to Good Use

Grey water, or the water left over from domestic activities, such as washing clothes, can be used for other purposes and does not need to go right down into the sewer. It can be used to water your lawn and garden; considering the amount of water we use for landscaping, this can make a significant dent in your overall water use. Depending on how you are using it, you can simply collect it yourself in a bucket or have hardware installed that can divert it automatically.

Kelli Cooper, writing on behalf of Accent Building Products, is a freelance writer who covers a range of topics on green living; she enjoys educating readers on how they can be a better friend to the environment.


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